woensdag 11 juni 2008

2008 fear for survival self forgiveness

we got our mazout today, to heat up our house. they filled up the tank. and it was very expensive and it is like 3 times what it cost 4 years ago, and it will not stay that way. prizes will go up. and i felt really sad for my mom, because she has to save up a lot of money and it keeps getting more difficult. i dont want my mom to suffer or my dad or my family. i feel fear: we have to be able to find some other recourse to keep us warm, because we cant continue like this.

i forgiv emysefl fo ra ccepting and allowing myself to fear bad thing sto happen to us
i forgive myself fo raccepting and allowingmyself to fear us running out of money
i forgi vemyself for accepting and allowingmyself to fear my mom suffering
i forgiv emyself fo racceptinga dnallowing msyelf to fear my mom dying
i forg ive myself fora ccepting and allowijgmyself to feel sad when i see my mom worrying about money
i forgiv emyself for accepting and allwoingmsyelf to feel frustrated and useless and powerless for not finding anything alternate so we dont have to depend so much on money
i forgiv emyself for acceptinga nda llowing msyelf to create scenarios in my mind based on fear of death, fear of losing our house
i forgiv emyself for acceptinag dnallwoingmsyelf to fear losing our house
i forgi vemyself fo r acceptinga dnallwoingmsyelf tofeel sad thinking about the possibility that my mom might lose her house
i forgi vemyself fo racceptingand allowingmsyelf to not want anything troublesome to happen to my mom
i forgi vmeyself fo racceptingand allowingmsyelf to feel guilty for living here with her and using her money while she pays for the house etc
i forgi vmeyself for accpeting andallowing myself to want someone to pity me and feel sorry and sad for me
i forgiv meyself for acceptingand allowing myself to feel connected with my mom
i forgive myself for acceptingand allowingmyself to think it is a bad thing if we would die
or suffer
i forgiv emyself for acceptingand allowingmsyelf to want everything to be or seem fine no worries
i forgi vemyself for acceptinganda llowingmyself to fear my mom being sad or becoming angy at a possible worrysome situation
i forgi vemyself for acceptinga nd allowingmsyelf to find my mom very weak
i forgive myself for accepting andallowingmsyelf to think my mom would not survive without money she isnt strong enough
i forgiv emyself for accepting and allowingmsyelf to find me weak
i forgiv emyself for acceptingand allwoingmsyelf to think i would not survive withou money in this world
i forgiv emyself for acceptingand allwoingmsyelf to want to keep my family safe
i forgiv meyself for accepting andallowingmsyelf to want my family to be and stay happy
i forgi vmeyself for accepting and allowingmyself to want me to remain happy
i forgi vemyself for acceptinga ndallowingmsyelf to feel like i must find a way to keep everyone safe and alive
i forgiv emyself for acceptingand allowingmsyelf to think i am not smart enough to find ways to survive or stay alive etc
i forgiv emyself for not acceptingand allowingmsyelf to realise that i dont have to search for things or find them it is already here in and as breath as me
i forgiv emyself for acceptingand allowingmsyefl to think i have to worry about the future
i forgi vemyself for accepting and allowingmsyelf to think i need to fear the future to remain safe
i forgiv emyself for acceptingand allowingmyself to want others to help us or me
i forgive myself for acceptinga nd allowingmsyelf to look desperately to others trying to find a way to stay safe
i forgi vmeyself fo racceptinga nd allowingmsyelf to think i am safe, we are safe
i forgi meyself fo raccepting and allowingmsyelf to see me and my brother and my mom as we
i forgiv emyself for acceptinga nd allowingmsyelf to separate myself from my mom and my brother by fearing for their lives and not realising that i am actualy fear ing for my life as in relationship with them as system as dependant as who i ve allowed myself to become
i forgiv meyself for acceptinga ndallowingmyself to think it is impossible to live a fearless life in every moment not worrying about the next
i forgi vemyself for not allowingmsyelf to realise that there is no next moment there is only here
i forgiv emyself for acceptinga nd allowingmsyelf to think that if my mom fears and worries that it will affect and influence me
i forgive myself for having allowed myself to be in relationship with my mother based on fear of survival
i forgive myself for having accepted and allowed myself to believe that i need her as she needs me
i forgive myself for having accepted andallowed myself to believe that my mother is an essential part of me
i forgive myself for having accepted and allowed myself to believe that it is my mothers job to take care of me and worry about me
i forgiv myself for having accepted andallowed myself to be angry at my mother for having me believe that i need her to survive that i depend on her
i forgiv emyself for accepting andallowing myself to be angry at myself fo r having believed that i need my mother to survive and that i depend on her
i forgiv emyself fo r accepting and allowingmsyelf to fear being without her in my life because i might not know what to do
i forgi vemyself for accepting andallowingmyself to feel ashamed for needing my mother
i forgiv emyself fo racceptingandallowingmsyelf to feel ashamed for feeling so desparate and lost
i forgiv emyselffor acceptinga nd allowingmsyelf to separate warmth and safety and nurrishing from me by projecting it onto my mother and then thinking i need her to experience warmth safety and nurrishing

i forgive myself fo racceptinga nd allowingmsyelf to imagine a future without her and feel lost and unsertain
i forgiv emyself for acceptingandalloiwngmyself to think that i will experience cold and lonlyness without her
i forgiv emyself for accepting and allwoingmsyelf to fear cold and lonlyness
i forgiv emyself for acceptingandallowingmsyelf to fear having nothing or noone to lean on
i forgi vemyself for acceptinga nda llowingmyself to fear myself and to not want to be with myself
i forgiv emyself for accepting andallowisngmsyelf to fear facing the cold and the lonlyness within myself as manifested outside of me
i forgive myself for allowingmyself to believe that the cold and lonlyness outside of me can influence me as who i am
i forgiv meyself fo r not allowingmsyelf to realise that i am one and equal to cold aswell as warmth and to lonlyness as i am alone, all one
i forgi vmyself for allowingmyself to want my mother to feel the same way about me
i forgive myself for allowingmyself to fear getting my mother upset by something i say to her because i might lose her
i forgive myself for allowingmsyelf to believe that i cant do anything without my mothers approval
i forgiv emyself for allowingmyself to believe that i cant make decisions on my own because they might be wrong according to my mother
i forgiv meyself for acceptinga ndallowingmsyelf to think that my mother is always right
i forgive myself for acceptingand allowingmsyelf to hat emy mother for always being right
i forigive msyelf fo raccepting and allowingmsyelf to hate myself fo rnot allowing myself to trust myself instead of always wanting confirmation from my mother
i forgi vemyself for acceptinga ndallowingmyself to think it is my mothers fault for me being so insecure and doubtful about everything i do
i forgiv emyself for not allowingmsyelf to realise that i am the one who allowed myself to separate myself from my trust by projecting it onto my mother instead of realising myself as wo i am as all as one as equal
i forgiv emyself for accepting andallowingmyself to fear being without my mother because i ve never been without her
i forgive myself for allowingmyself to fear change
i forgi vemyself for accepting and allowingmyself to associate change with danger and fear and despair and uncertainty
i forgive myself for having accepted and allowed myself to actually believe that the relationships i ve created with the humans around me within separation as who ive allowed myself to become is who i am
i forgi vemyself for allowingmyself for having actually believed that if i were to lose the relationships i would lose myself
i forgive myself for having allowed myself to define myself completely according to this system which needs my mother for support to sustain itself
i forgiv emsyelf for acceptinga nd allwoingmsyelf to think that i owe her my humbleness and my depending on her for having given me life
i forgiv emyself for accepting and allowingmsyelf to think that it was her having given me life
i forgiv emyself for not allowingmyself to realise myself as infinite moment as life within my self as who i am as the directive principle of life as life within myself
i forgiv emyself for accepting andallowingmsyelf to think that it is impossible to not be defined according to my mother because she is the only thing i ve ever known as a constant support within my world
i forgi vmeyself for not accepting andallowing myself to realise that all my life as my past as all i ve ever know has been a lie, an illusion i ve allowed myself to believe, so is my mother
i forgive myself for not allowingmsyelf to realise that my mother as i know her is but a picture in my mind, a separated picture from myself as a picture as who ive allowed myself to become
i forgive myself for not allowingmsyelf to realise that only pictures need other pictures to survive but i as who i am as life am no picture and neither is my mother
i am one and equal with my mother
i am my own mother as security as safety as warmth as nurrishing as confirmation as life within myself

till here and no further:
i realise that i am my own
i live for me as me by me thru me as all as one as equal
i do not fear cold
i do not fear lonlyness
i do not fear running out of money
i do not fear change
i realise that change is an illusion because i as who i am am constant and stable yet i am the birth of life as life in and as every moment here
i do not fear losing our house
i realise that i am not defined by the place i am at
i am my own home
where ever i am
i am not a place
i do not feel bad for my mother because i do not feel bad for me
i am no feeling thought or emotion
i realise that i am not dependant on my mother because my mother doesn t exist, i ve only allowed myself to create an image in my mind as separation onto which i projected separated parts of myself i ve never accepted within myself
i accept myself as warmth
i accept myself as security
i accept myself as nurrishing
i accept myself as certainty
i accept myself as directness
i accept myself as the directive principle of life as life within myself
i realise that i create my world as who i am
i am self control and self direction as life within myself as within my world as one and equal to me
i am breath, i am not dependant on anything outside myself because i am here as all as one as equal as breath

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