donderdag 19 april 2012

Forgiving myself for allowing jealousy to exist

Read these statements aloud and walk the self-forgiveness with me as we stop the abusive Mind-Pattern of Jealousy and stand up within and as the realization that jealousy is not who we really are.

i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to experience jealousy when i see someone who is better than me, more effective in their application in this reality

i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get into the mind as nasty backchat as an ego-reaction to the emotional experience of jealousy that I experience within myself whenever i see someone that is better than me in terms of being more effective in their application in this reality, wherein i am confronted with the inferior being that i have actually allowed myself to become as a mind consciousness system

i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate within comparison because i am not willing to take responsibility for myself, for my existence within this reality and to stand up within myself for myself to direct myself effectively within and as self-certainty and self-trust to direct my life as life within and as creating a better world for all

i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge myself within and as comparison with others, wherein i try to escape from my responsibility towards myself HERE by participating in the self created mind reality of relationships as emotional experiences within and as the 'human race' - wherein I am determined to destroy all that reminds me of who/what i have allowed myself to become as an inferior expression as a mind consciousness system, to remain existent within and as the illusion that i am superior

i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to experience superiority within and as myself within and as comparison and competition that i have accepted and allowed to exist within myself, within and as my desire to abdicate self-responsibility and the fear of standing alone within and as myself HERE, wherein i have in fact actually allowed myself to become an inferior expression as a slave to energy and thus have allowed myself to become a destructive system that will get nasty and mean towards others within action, word and deed whenever experiencing jealousy towards another within seeing that they are better beings than me, to make sure that i can still experience myself within and as the ego of the mind as the energetic experience of superiority that cover up the actual realization of myself as an inferior being as who/what i have allowed myself to become within and as what i have allowed to exist within myself as the ego of the mind as separation as the abdication of self-responsibility

i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge myself within and as comparison as what i have allowed to exist within myself as the mind consciousness system of separation, wherein i have diminished and suppressed myself as self-expression through judging myself and comparing myself with other beings, within and as the desire of the ego to experience myself as superior and to be 'the winner' and 'better than others' - experiencing jealousy as the self-sabotaging technique of the ego whenever i am being confronted with my actual inferiority due to who/what i have allowed myself to become as a mind consciousness system as an illusion when i see a being that is better than me in their application of themselves within who they are in this world as what i have allowed myself to suppress within myself through having become the ego of the mind --instead of standing up within and as oneness and equality with what i see in that being, standing AS what i see in that being and giving myself the chance and the opportunity to see beyond the self-created limitations of the ego of the mind and expanding myself within and as the realization of myself as life itself as who i am HERE

i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to sabotage myself within experiencing jealousy towards another being, by instead of standing up within and as what i see in this being that is triggering the experience of jealousy within myself and realizing that i am not the ego of the mind as limitation, to attack this person within and as nasty back chat within myself to try and bring this being down and destroy this being so that i could still remain within and as the limited experience of myself as the ego of the mind as i don't want to realize/see/understand that i have always been allowing myself to exist within and as an illusion and that i am therefore not superior at all

i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear others judging and attacking me within their secret mind as backchat because of jealousy, in the same way that i have allowed myself to attack others within the secret mind as backchat within and as judgments whenever i experienced jealousy towards them, in my attempt to uphold my idea of myself as a 'superior being' - instead of stopping the illusion of the mind within myself and realizing that jealousy is self-sabotage as an automatic, preprogrammed ego-reaction as a 'survival-technique' of the ego as the illusion of superiority', that keeps me within the limitations of my own mind and prevents me from expanding myself to stand up within and as oneness and equality as life itself as who i really am as existence

i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define myself within and as comparison as the unwillingness to stand alone within and as myself HERE within and as absolute self-responsibility, wherein i allow myself to participate within the illusion of the mind as separation as relationships through judgements and comparison - instead of realizing that I AM HERE, and I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR MYSELF AS HERE, as i am the creator of myself as the mind as who/what i have allowed myself to become through having separated myself from myself

i forgive myself that i haven't allowed myself to realize that comparison is an illusion as the illusion of the ego of the mind that i have allowed myself to become within my unwillingness to take responsibility for myself within and as standing alone within and as myself as oneness and equality, wherein i have allowed myself to preoccupy and entertain myself within and as the mind as pictures and energetic experiences within and as separation of myself, to not face myself HERE as oneness and equality as all of existence as who i really am

i forgive myself that i haven't allowed myself to see/realize/understand, whenever the emotional experience of jealousy towards another being comes up within myself, that this is the ego of the mind that i have allowed myself to become that is trying to fight for its limitations within attempting to discredit and devalue another being because they are revealing to me and showing me who i could/would be if I only let go of the ego of the mind as the illusion of self-importance and superiority as the inferior life-form that i have allowed myself to exist within and as

i forgive myself that i haven't allowed myself to, when i see the emotional experience of jealousy coming up within myself, to stop and breathe and realize/see/understand that this experience of jealousy is not who i really am, it is but a pre-designed system-program of and as the mind consciousness system as separation that i have allowed to exist within myself by not having taken responsibility for myself HERE as oneness and equality as life, that is designed to keep me locked within the limited experience/expression of the mind as separation through perpetual cycles of emotional reactions

i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate and create and support the construct of jealousy towards another, by participating in the desire to make another feel jealous towards me so that I can feel better than them, superior towards them by projecting my own experiences/feelings of comparison, judgment and inferiority onto others - instead of realizing that i am only playing mind-games with myself because all that I see within another is what I have allowed to exist within myself as the mind consciousness system as separation

i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to worry about how I look as in 'what other people will think about how I look within the clothes that I wear and the shape of my body' by participating in the polarity construct of the desire for people to feel jealousy towards me so that i can feel better about myself and the fear of being rejected and experiencing jealousy towards others and therein feeling inferior within and as the construct of competition that i have allowed to exist within myself within and as the mind consciousness system as the desire for power as the experience of superiority within and as separation from myself as existence

Self Corrective Statements:

When and as i see jealousy coming up within myself towards another being, i stop and breathe and i do not allow myself to participate or identify myself with this experience as i realize that the emotional reaction of jealousy towards another being is a mechanism of self-sabotage, that is entirely based on my unwillingness to take responsibility for myself wherein i attempt to create the illusion that i do not exist alone as ALL ONE but that life is a competition wherein i require to 'beat' all others to 'earn my place' in heaven with God

i do not allow myself to participate within the emotional reaction/experience of jealousy towards another being because i stand up within and as the realization that i am not the mind as the illusion of self-importance and superiority as a program that i have allowed to exist within myself

and i realize that jealousy is an illusion as it exist within and as the mind as the system of separation that i have allowed to exist within myself wherein i have separated myself from myself through defining myself within thoughts, feelings and emotions as a 'picture reality' as the 'movie in and of the mind' wherein i do not even really exist as an actual living breathing being as the awareness of myself as life as oneness and equality

I stand up within and as the realization that i am responsible for the experience of jealousy within myself as what i have allowed myself to create by having allowed myself to be self-dishonest within not wanting to stand within and as who i really am as oneness and equality as life itself

When and as I see myself experiencing jealousy towards a being,  I stop the experience within myself and I give myself in that moment the chance and the opportunity to stand within and as what I see within this being that I experienced jealousy towards within and as the realization that all is me equal and one, thus I will not allow myself to remain stuck within the limited expression/experience of the mind because of spitefulness.

I do not allow myself to be defined and limited by spitefulness

I stop spitefulness within myself and I stand up within and as expansion of myself HERE as the living application of what is best for all as me

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