woensdag 18 februari 2009

2009 grace and gracefulness

grace gracefulness
self exploration in and as gracefulness
i am self exploration in and as grace and gratefulness
i am grateful for life as me as here i am gratefulness as i breathe in and i am gratefulness as i breathe out
i am grateful for every moment here
i am grateful for myself as creation i live and apply gratefulness within and as each moment of breath within the realisation that i am responsible for this creation as myself
i have for too long been greed and greedy and i have been blind from who i am as gratefulness, i ve been lost in a picture world, an illusion, desires, the mind, the system, that destroys and that is self destructive and that is self innihilating
i stand up as life as grace and gratefulness within the realisation that all is me
all is me and i honour me as all here, within and as each and every breath
i respect me as all of creation within and as breath
breath is who i am, not desires, not reactions, not thoughts, feelings and emotions, but breath, the in breath, and the out breath, the gentle flow of breath in each new moment.
from now until eternety i am grateful for who i am as this breath of life as who i really am, within this breath of life i stand as strenght, i stand as power, i stand as myself, as self support, as self presence, unwavering and stable and constant.
i am strength as gratefulness, i am great as gratefulness, i greet as gratefulness, i am fulfilled as gratefulness, i eat as gratefulness, i type as gratefulness, i breathe as gratefulness, i see as gratefulness, i walk as gratefulness, i stand as gratefulness, i move as gratefulness, i am the very expression of gratefulness, as the gratefulness of life that is here that is within all as me, here, i am the realisation of gratefulness.
i am the realisation that i am not an ingrateful systematic expression that consumes and disregards all life, that plows thru life and existence like a steamroller, like a machine, like industry, like greed, like desire.
within this realisation that i am alone and that i am responsible for all of existence as me i apply gratefulness, within each and every breath.
i am grateful because i am alive, because i live, here
i am grateful because i exist
i am grateful because i have this opportunity here to stand as all as one as equal and to realise myself as who i truly am as life
i am grateful because i realise myself as all as one as equals

i forgive myself for having accepted and allowed myself to take the moment here for granted
i forgive myself for having accepted and allowed myself to not notice the little things within and as the moment
i forgive myself for having accepted and allowed myself to be so caught up within my own desires that i could not see what is right in front of me: life itself!
i forgive myself for having accepted and allowed myself to only care about the picture, about how i look, instead of who i am as the little things
i forgive myself for having accepted and allowed myself to want and desire to be great, to want my expression to be great
i forgive myself for having accepted and allowed myself to desire attention from others for my expression and within that limiting myself to only what i think would receive positive attention, thus keeping me blind to the true expression that is HERE , to my true potential, within and as gratefulness as what is here
i forgive myself for never having accepted and allowed myself to experience gratefulness
i forgive myself for having accepted and allowed myself to only experience greed, and to, within that, consume all that exist because of my greed, because of my desires
i forgive myself for having accepted andallowed myself to feel a constant feeling of being unsatisfied, unfulfilled, uncomplete, because i keep looking for something great and because i dont see the greatness of me within gratefulness of here
i forgiv emyself for having accepted and allowed myself to remain stuck within constructs and limited ego system expression when i could be so cool in expressing myself here unconditionally,
i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to limit myself to thought, as the onedimensional and limited expression of the mind, which is the desire to be great but within that it is really insignificant, non existent even
forgiv emyself for having accepted and allowed myself to desire, then, as that thought, to receive recognition, so i can at least feel great, and not have to realise my insignificant truth
i forgive myself for not allowing myself to see my expression within eternity, within the truth of me which is eternity, instead of trying to reach a short feeling, which i then call expression, or life, but which is actually a pathetic excuse for an expression