maandag 14 oktober 2013

2013 Miley Cyrus and the Justification of Greed

This is a continuation from my previous blog about Miley Cyrus, "3013 Miley Cyrus "We Can't Stop" Satanic Transformation is Our Creation??!" wherein I shined a light on how we use Celebrities, within the stories that we create about them and how they live their lives, where they will be 'loved' by some and 'hated' by others, and where we all will have an opinion about them in one way or the other -- to in fact entertain ourselves and deliberately give away our power to this apparent 'influential'/'powerful'/'wealthy' individual, so as to divert the attention away from ourselves and our personal responsibility with regards to how we are literally creating everything that exist in this world - including the lives of these 'Celebrities' like Miley Cyrus.

Where, in this blog, to share a perspective on the new Trend that is now taking over our Media Landscape and occupying the minds of the 'Populous' - in the form of the Miley Phenomenon and her new 'transformation', which I have already taken on largly in the previous blog from the perspective of how this 'transformation' that is being obsessed over in the Media, actually has got nothing to do with 'Who' 'Miley Cyrus' is as an Individual but rather about who we are as the Consumers of the Drama that is being displayed in our magazines and Gossip-programs/television-shows and how we as human beings have allowed ourselves to become within and as ourselves, and what we accordingly allow to exist in our world and reality, within and as the lives of our 'Celebs' for instance.

In this article "Was Miley in on the joke? Cyrus calls her controversial VMAs performance a 'strategic hot mess' in new MTV documentary" - where Ms. Cyrus 'explains' her overall frowned-upon half-naked and highly suggestive performance at the MTV Video Music Award show in August, within the words:

'I was born to become who I am right now ... I'm at a point in my career where I can be exactly what I want to be, who I want to be.'

'I have this freedom to do whatever I want, because I'm starting as a new artist now,'

 'Every time I do anything, I want to remember, this is what separates me from everybody else.'

 'You're always going to make people talk, you might as well make them talk for two weeks, rather than two seconds.'

What is interesting within this, if one take into consideration how the human mind works, is how these statements that she made is basically Justifications and Explanations around the main point, which is her Performance, her actions and behavior as what she actually physically lived out within this reality, as that which can be seen by All. How the human mind works within this context is how we will use our Words to talk ourselves and others into believing that our actions were in some way 'just' or 'right', to make ourselves feel 'righteous' about whatever it is that we have done.

I mean, here in the case of Miley Cyrus and her Performance at the MTV Awards, she is now being confronted with much criticism from practically all sides around how her performance was not according to 'moral standards' and how, within that, she was/is not setting a proper example for the children around the world that she is standing as a role model for and thus not taking responsibility for her position as an Artist in this world with regards to the influence that she may have on young people's minds.

And so, just as what happens in every single human beings' mind when it is challenged within its Design/function/existence, she will have all these Statements at the ready, which is like a Wall of Words that she's built up around her Persona that serve to protect and Defend her idea of Righteousness (which is inherent to the Identity-System that exist in each and every single Human Being in this world in the exact same way) - like: "I have the right to do whatever I want, because of this or that reason", "this is how I was born", "this is why I do this or that", etcetera.

This is how we use Reasoning to be able to not actually look at and investigate our actions and thus take responsibility for our actions and who we are as a physical expression here in this world - and to thus, very neatly, brush off any criticism, remarks or comments that comes our way with regards to our expression/actions/behavior and just carry on with whatever it was that we are doing -- because, within ourselves, we don't actually want to see, realize or be confronted with the possibility that 'who we are' may be 'wrong', in terms of how this would mean that in some way or form a punishment will ensue, according to how we have all been programmed during childhood within and as the Punishment-Reward System.
This is though not to say that Miley Cyrus was in fact 'wrong' in what she did and how she acted/behaved nor that the Media and other People criticizing her on that behavior were 'right' - I am sharing this perspective here to expose, show and reveal exactly how it is that we as human beings have created and manifested ourselves within and as our Mind in such a way that we have perfected the ability to completely abdicate any form of personal responsibility towards our own actions and words in this World and Reality -- and how we will accordingly allow these Celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, which is actually human beings that stand in a position of Great responsibility towards Humanity, to do exactly the same: Act and Behave in complete and utter Self-Interest, creating a backlash of Consequences that ripples throughout Humanity, and then Justify their actions in the name of 'Free Choice', as the apparent 'freedom' or 'right' to 'Choose' to be Greedy, Selfish, Ignorant, Self-Centered, Abusive, Misleading, Manipulative, Deceptive, etc..

And that is why and how, while we are criticizing, disapproving and condemning Miley's actions, behavior and expression - we aren't actually stopping or preventing it from playing out in any way what so ever --- which implies that we are in fact approving, honoring and applauding what she is doing. Because, what she stands for is our own self-interest, our own greed, ignorance and selfishness that we aren't willing to let go of and that we continue justifying through our words - in exactly the same way as what Miley is doing.

Where then, at the end of the day, the only principle that exists in our World and Reality, according to what we are accepting and allowing to exist, is Self-Interest at the expense of All and Everything that Exist. And where, it's our own words as Sentences that we speak that become the Wall around ourselves in which we have Sentenced ourselves to the Confinement of Ego, and don't even see the Reality around us anymore. I mean, did you know that there are many humans in this world who actually make the statement that the physical reality isn't real and that all that is real is what you create in your mind with your own thoughts and feelings?! That is the extent of how we have isolated ourselves within our Self-Interest, the extent to which we have lost any and all connection with this Real-Live Physical Existence, with each other, with the earth, with nature, with all that is real as all that is HERE, right in front of our very Eyes, every God Damn Day.

Investigate Solutions, Join Desteni - and Cure yourself from the Disease that is Self-Interest. Find your way back to Planet Earth and stand up as a Living Example as a Real Human That Cares for Life.

To be Continued...

zaterdag 12 oktober 2013

2013 Changing a Fear Reaction towards a Person in Real-Time -- Part 1

In this blog I will walk through how I approached and am in the process of approaching the process of Writing, Self-Forgiveness and Self-Correction in Practical Application - and thus, what Practical Application in the context of walking process entails.This to make process and so 'Self-Change' as real and practically lived and realized as possible.

So, in this application I specifically had a look at a general experience of Fear that I had identified within myself and that I was having trouble walking through - namely a Fear of People. I had walked this fear in writing and speaking self-forgiveness before and yes, I had accumulated some insights around it, yet it would still come up when I am in a large group of people or just talking to someone that I've just met or even have known for a little while.

And so, in this new practical approach, I went into the specifics of my practical physical every day reality, and looked at just One point within it where the fear would come up. I took the person in my everyday environment that triggers the most reactions of fear and anxiety within me when I am in their proximity and/or talking to them - and on a Word Doc on my computer I wrote out various points/dimensions of and within my experience of/around them - I looked at:

  1. How do I experience the reaction to them when I see them on a physical level? Here, I had a look at my physical reaction when I see the specific person - which, for me was a constriction in my chest and stomach area. This will be a point of reference for me when I am walking the practical application of releasing the point - in seeing whether or not the physical experience of constriction in stomach/chest area will go down and/or disappear
  2. Where/how in my memories have I created an Idea about Who this person is within my mind where I have made her 'more' than who she is, that I am now allowing to stand in the way of me getting to know who she really is as a being? And so here I wrote down all of my memories where I interpreted specific information about her, I reacted to her and/or I had backchat about her in my mind, that contributed to this image/idea that I now have of 'who she is' in my mind. For instance, I found, in looking into these memories and the specific information that i reacted to, was where I saw her living something that I secretly desired to 'have' and 'experience' within myself, such as a relationship or getting attention from males, where, in those moments, my backchat went like "Look at her, she thinks she's so much better than everyone because she's getting attention from that guy", and the energy attached to that backchat was jealousy, anger and spitefulness. Here then, I further investigated where this backchat, connected with the experience of jealousy/anger/spitefulness was coming from, applying self-honesty, and I saw that within my mind I was feeling inferior to her because I had defined myself within the idea that 'to have a relationship is more valuable and superior than not having a relationship', wherein I had compared myself with her and judged/defined myself as being 'inferior' to her because I did not have a relationship and she did.
    This point of investigating the memories first was quite cool, as it seemed to allow me to see more clearly what is really going on in my mind when I now see her, as all the hidden backchat and reactions within myself that I had been building up within my mind over time. Where, within this, I could also see how the experience of Fear and Anxiety when/within facing or seeing her in fact serves to hide all this backchat behind, as the 'truth'/'reality' of who I really am within my mind that I did not want to see or realize about myself
So, with these points written down, the next day I would go over to immediate practical application of applying self-forgiveness in the moment that I am seeing her and I see/experience the reactions of fear/anxiety, with the physical experience of constriction in chest/stomach area, come up. Writing out the Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective statements on the memories, I can do at a later time - what I am focusing on here is the practical application of actually Stopping the Energy/Reaction/Experience in the moment, in Real-Time.

The next day, I was walking outside heading out to do my morning duties, I saw her (X) in the distance. As I was approaching her, and I saw the automatic reaction of Fear and Anxiety within myself, I started speaking self-forgiveness silently to myself, specifically:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience fear and anxiety when seeing X

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use the experience of fear and anxiety to hide my backchat about X behind

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be honest with myself about the fact that I am Judging X within my backchat by hiding myself behind fear

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not be honest with myself about the fact that I actually feel jealous of X because of how I have allowed myself to judge her appearance as what I am seeing with my eyes

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from X by judging her from the starting point of the desire for a relationship that I have allowed to exist within myself, and therein judging her as superior to myself because she has a relationship and because i have allowed myself to give value to 'having a relationship'

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame X in my backchat for the experience of inferiority that I experience within myself in relation to her by thinking that 'she thinks she is better than me because she has a relationship and I don't', connected with the experience of anger and resentment --- instead of taking responsibility for what I have accepted and allowed to exist within myself as preprogrammed value-systems wherein I am judging her on her appearance, according to what I have allowed myself to assign value to within my mind, rather than getting to know her as who she is as a being, equal and one with myself

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to get to know who X is as a being, by reacting to her within and as preconceived ideas and judgments that I have created within my mind about 'who she is' according to the value-systems that I have allowed myself to copy from my parents and have allowed myself to define myself within


Within this application in the moment, I could already see and experience the energy becoming a lot less, where, as I then was standing close to her, doing my work, I felt much more comfortable. And, within that, I realized how all that fear and anxiety that I had been experiencing towards her, was all based on an idea within my mind that I had created and manifested there myself, and was all just not real, as was showing within the fact that, by/within speaking the self-forgiveness statements, it just, for the large part, 'disappeared'.

Each time I saw her again, I would check myself to see if there is any fear and/or anxiety coming up within myself, and I would again speak Self-Forgiveness on the thoughts, backchat and reactions that I could identify within myself towards her in that moment.

So now, when I am in her presence, most of the reactions of Fear and Anxiety are gone - though, upon investigating the point again, I found there was still some points of reaction where I am for instance not quite completely comfortable enough to go up to her and just casually start a conversation.

The next step within walking this process of practical application will thus be to further investigate the energy that is still there and the thoughts and backchat connected to it, and so walk the process as described in this blog again, until there are no more reactions.

In the next blog I will be writing out how I walked through the Next phase/step.

Also, watch my vlog where I expand more on how I have walked this process: